Instructions sur le service téléphonique
Instructions sur le service téléphonique international (1993)
Deployment of packet-based networks 2009
Desplieguede de las redes de paquetes (2009)
Operational Bulletin No. 674 (15.VIII.19
Operational Bulletin No. 674 (15.VIII.1998) and Annexed List: Status of Radiocommunications between Amateur Stations of different countries (In accordance with optional provision No. 2731 of the Radio Regulations) (Position on 15 August 1998) (15.08.1998)
Object identifiers (OIDs) 2010
Object identifiers (OIDs) and their registration authorities (2010)
(R) Security in Telecom & Info. Techno
Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology (2012)
(CD) WTSA - DUBAI 2012
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Proceedings (Dubai, 2012)
Operational Bulletin No. 700 (15.IX.1999
Operational Bulletin No. 700 (15.IX.1999) (15.09.1999)
Adjonction à la section 3 du Manuel de t
Adjonction à la section 3 du Manuel de téléphonométrie (Amendement 3)
Adición a la sección 3 del Manual sobre
Adición a la sección 3 del Manual sobre telefonometría (Enmienda 3)
Operational Bulletin No. 676 (15.IX.1998
Operational Bulletin No. 676 (15.IX.1998) (15.09.1998)
E ITU-T REC T 83 11/94
JPEG compliance testing
Optical Transport Networks from TDM to P
Optical Transport Networks from TDM to Packet (2010)