BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2006 DVD
(Edition of 2006)
(R) Hdbk National Spectr Management 2005
National Spectrum Management (2005)
BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2010 DVD
BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection (Edition of 2010)
Manuel Sce mobile satellite (MSS) 2002
Service mobile par satellite (SMS) (2002)
Propagation ondes radioélectriques 2008
Informations sur la propagation des ondes radioélectriques pour la conception des liaisons de Terre point à point (2008)
A Handbook on Subjective Assessment 1995
Subjective Assessment Methodology in Television (1996)
Actas Finales, CRR Ginebra 2006
Actas Finales de la Conferencia Regional de Radiocomunicaciones para la planificación del servicio de radiodifusión digital terrenal en partes de las Regiones 1 y 3, en las bandas de frecuencias 174-230 MHz y 470-862 MHz (CRR-06) (2006)
BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2015 DVD
BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection (2015)
Satellite Time and Frequency 2010 CD
Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer and Dissemination (2010)
BR IFIC 2903 T - DVD
BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services (2019)
Key technical and operational characteri
Key technical and operational characteristics for access technologies to support IP applications over land mobile systems
BR IFIC 2950 T - DVD
BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services (2021)