Volumen VIII: Dispositivos de protección
Volumen VIII: Dispositivos de protección. (Volumen VIII)
Directives concerning the protection
Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines - Volume VI: Danger, damage and disturbance (2008)
Deployment of packet-based networks (200
Deployment of packet-based networks (2009)
Testing, next generation networks 2011
Testing of next generation networks (2011)
Protección de edificios de telecomunicac
Protección de edificios de telecomunicaciones contra incendios (2002)
Mitigation measures for telecommunicatio
Mitigation measures for telecommunication installations (2004)
Volumen IX: Métodos de prueba y aparatos
Volumen IX: Métodos de prueba y aparatos de medida (Volumen IX)
Directives concerning the protection
Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines - Volume VI: Danger, damage and disturbance (2008)
Deployment of packet-based networks (200
Deployment of packet-based networks (2009)
Operational Bulletin No. 737 (1.IV.2001)
Operational Bulletin No. 737 (1.IV.2001) and Annexed List: List of signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)) (Position on 1 April 2001) (01.04.2001)
Tests des réseaux de prochaine génératio
Tests des réseaux de prochaine génération (2011)
Application of Computers and Microproces
Application of Computers and Microprocessors to the Construction, Installation and Protection of Telecommunication Cables (1999)