Operational Bulletin No. 695 (1.VII.1999
Operational Bulletin No. 695 (1.VII.1999) (01.07.1999)
Operational Bulletin No. 669 (1.VI.1998)
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(S) WTSA - DUBAI 2012
Actas de la Asamblea Mundial de Normalización de las Telecomunicaciones (Dubaï, 2012)
(R) Protection telecom. buildings 2001
Protection of Telecommunication Buildings from Fire (2002)
Digital sound broadcasting to vehicular,
Digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the UHF/VHF bands
(E) Security in Telecom & Info. Techno
Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology (2012)
Protect lightning disch. Chap 9/10-1994
The Protection of Telecommunication Lines and Equipment Against Lightning Discharges - Chapters 9 and 10 (Geneva, 1995)
Operational Bulletin No. 749 (1.X.2001)
Operational Bulletin No. 749 (1.X.2001) (01.10.2001)
(C)Mitigation Measures Telecom. Inst.
Mitigation measures for telecommunication installations - Part 1 (2008)
S ITU-T REC T 801 ISO 08/02
Tecnología de la información – Sistema de codificación de imágenes JPEG 2000: Extensiones
(C) Deployment of packet-based networks
Deployment of packet-based networks (2009)
Operational Bulletin No. 678 (15.X.1998)
Operational Bulletin No. 678 (15.X.1998) (15.10.1998)