Applied filter:
Win WordEstimated spectrum bandwidth requirement
Estimated spectrum bandwidth requirements for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced
Space Research Communications (Edition o
Space Research Communications (Edition of 2002)
Guidelines for AM(R)S sharing studies in
Guidelines for AM(R)S sharing studies in the 960-1 164 MHz band
Migración a los sistemas IMT-2000 - Supl
Migración a los sistemas IMT-2000 - Suplemento 1: Manual - Implantación de los sistemas IMT-2000 (Suplemento 1, Edición de 2005)
Low delay audio coding for broadcasting
Low delay audio coding for broadcasting applications
Measuring the input parameters for the r
Measuring the input parameters for the radiative energy transfer model of vegetation attenuation
Interference calculations to assess shar
Interference calculations to assess sharing between the mobile-satellite service and space research (passive) service in the band 1 668-1 668.4 MHz
Broadcasting of content protection signa
Broadcasting of content protection signalling for television
Métodos de cálculo de la interferencia
Métodos de cálculo de la interferencia
Sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz b
Sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band between IMT-2000 and fixed broadband wireless access systems including nomadic applications in the same geographical area
Produits d'intermodulation dans l'émette
Produits d'intermodulation dans l'émetteur: causes du phénomène et techniques de réduction
Inspection of radio stations
Inspection of radio stations