Applied filter:
SpanishEngineering guidance for operators to up
Engineering guidance for operators to upgrade shore based facilities to operate the global maritime distress and safety system in the A1, A2 and A3/A4 sea areas
Espectro radioeléctrico en meteo ed 2008
Utilización del espectro radioeléctrico en meteorología: Observación y predicción del clima, de los fenómenos meteorológicos y de los recursos hídricos (2008)
Manual sist relevadores radio digit 96
Sistemas de relevadores radioeléctricos digitales (1996)
Studies related to the impact of active
Studies related to the impact of active space services allocated in adjacent or nearby bands on radio astronomy service
Introduction of satellite and complement
Introduction of satellite and complementary terrestrial digital sound broadcasting in the WARC-92 frequency allocations
Studies related to the impact of active
Studies related to the impact of active services allocated in adjacent or nearby bands on Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)
Ancillary services for the visually impa
Ancillary services for the visually impaired and hearing impaired in multi-channel sound systems
(S) Hdbk National Spectr Management 2015
Gestión nacional del espectro (2015)
Monte Carlo simulation methodology for t
Monte Carlo simulation methodology for the use in sharing and compatibility studies between different radio services or systems
Radiodiffusion sonore numérique pour réc
Radiodiffusion sonore numérique pour récepteurs à bord de véhicules, portatifs et fixes, au moyen d'émetteurs de Terre en ondes métriques et décimétriques
The harmonization of HDTV standards betw
The harmonization of HDTV standards between broadcast and non-broadcast applications
Sistemas del SRS para la banda 40,5-42,5
Sistemas del SRS para la banda 40,5-42,5 GHz