R Final Acts Add. Plenip. Conf. Ge. 1992
Final Acts of the Additional Plenipotentiary Conference (APP-92) (Geneva, 1992)
C Final Acts Add. Plenip. Conf. Ge. 1992
Final Acts of the Additional Plenipotentiary Conference (APP-92) (Geneva, 1992)
(F) Final Acts Guadalajara 2010
Actes finals de la Conférence de plénipotentiaires (Guadalajara, 2010)
(F) Final Acts WCIT-12, Dubai 2012
Actes finals de la Conférence mondiale sur les télécommunications internationales (CMTI-12) (Dubaï, 2012)
(S) Resolutions & Decisions 2018
Resoluciones y Acuerdos del Consejo de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (2018)
(R) Internet Rep-The Portable Internet
ITU Internet Reports 2004: The Portable Internet (2004, 6th edition)
(R) Basic texts ITU Plenipot Conf. 2015
Collection of the Basic Texts of the International Telecommunication Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference (2015)
(S) Final Acts WCIT-12, Dubai 2012
Actas Finales de la Conferencia Mundial de Telecomunicaciones Internacionales (CMTI-12) (Dubai, 2012)
(S) Final Acts Guadalajara 2010
Actas Finales de la Conferencia de Plenipotenciarios (Guadalajara, 2010)
(A) Resolutions & Decisions 2018
Resolutions and Decisions of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union (2018)
WSIS Report on Stocktaking 1st ed. 2005
Report on the World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking (2005)
(R) Internet Governance - Edition 2004
The ITU New Initiatives Programme: Internet Governance (2004)