Applied filter:
RussianEstimated spectrum bandwidth requirement
Estimated spectrum bandwidth requirements for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced
R Radiowave propagation information
Radiowave Propagation Information for Predictions for Earth-to-Space Path Communications (1996)
(R) Handbook Land Mobile - Vol III /2005
Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 3: Dispatch and Advanced Messaging Systems (2005)
(R) Spectrum Monitoring Handbook 2011
Spectrum Monitoring (2011)
(R) Report of the CPM to WRC-19, (2019)
Report of the CPM to the WRC-19 (2019)
(R) Amateur & Amateur-sat. Services 2014
Amateur and amateur-satellite services (2014)
Inspection of radio stations
Inspection of radio stations
Definitions of Software Defined Radio (S
Definitions of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio System (CRS)
(R) Final Acts - WRC-15, Geneva, 2015
Final Acts WRC-15, World Radiocommunication Conference (2015)
HF fixed radiocommunications systems
HF fixed radiocommunications systems
(R)Use of Radio Spectrum (Meteo) ed 2008
Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction (2008)
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Suppleme
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 to the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (Supplement 1, Edition of 2005)