Applied filter:
EnglishHandbook land Mobile - Vol IV/2006
Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 4: Intelligent Transport Systems (2006)
Methods for determining national long-te
Methods for determining national long-term strategies for spectrum utilization
Spectrum Monitoring Handbook 2011
Spectrum Monitoring (2011)
BR IFIC Space Services Online.
BR IFIC Space Services Online.
(E) Report of the CPM to WRC-19, (2019)
Report of the CPM to the WRC-19 (2019)
Long range detection of automatic identi
Long range detection of automatic identification system (AIS) messages under various tropospheric propagation conditions
Test results and simulations illustratin
Test results and simulations illustrating the effective duty cycle of frequency modulated pulsed radiolocation and EESS system waveforms in marine radionavigation receivers
Sharing conditions between space researc
Sharing conditions between space research service extra vehicular activities (EVA) links and fixed and mobile service links in the 410-420 MHz band
(E) Propagation Prediction Methods 2012
ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies (2012)
Factors affecting the choice of frequenc
Factors affecting the choice of frequency bands for space research service deep-space (space-to-Earth) telecommunication links
Information relating to the HF broadcast
Information relating to the HF broadcasting service