Applied filter:
PdfGeneración y reducción de los productos
Generación y reducción de los productos de intermodulación en el transmisor
Method for calculating link performance
Method for calculating link performance in the space research service
Mesures du diagramme d'antenne de statio
Mesures du diagramme d'antenne de station terrienne du service de radiodiffusion par satellite et analyses associées
Coverage prediction methods and planning
Coverage prediction methods and planning software for digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) networks
Compatibility between the meteorological
Compatibility between the meteorological satellite and the fixed services in the band 7 850-7 900 MHz
Sharing studies between radiocommunicati
Sharing studies between radiocommunication services and IMT systems operating in the 450-470 MHz band
Mediciones de diagramas de antenas de es
Mediciones de diagramas de antenas de estación terrena del servicio de radiodifusión por satélite y análisis conexos
Assessment of potential interference bet
Assessment of potential interference between FM broadcasting stations operating in the band around 87-108 MHz and aeronautical VDL Mode 4 systems in the band 112-117.975 MHz operating in the AM(R)S
Compatibility/sharing of airport surveil
Compatibility/sharing of airport surveillance radars and meteorological radar with IMT systems within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band
Sharing between aeronautical mobile tele
Sharing between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems for flight testing and other systems operating in the 4 400-4 940 and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands
Design techniques applicable to broadban
Design techniques applicable to broadband fixed wireless access systems conveying Internet protocol packets or asynchronous transfer mode cells
Factors that mitigate interference from
Factors that mitigate interference from radiolocation and Earth exploration-satellite service/space research service (active) radars to maritime and aeronautical radionavigation radars in the 9.0-9.2 and 9.3-9.5 GHz bands and between Earth exploration-satellite service/ space research service (active) radars and radiolocation radars in the 9.3-9.5 and 9.8-10.0 GHz bands