Applied filter:
Print(R) Final Acts - WRC-19, 2019
Final Acts WRC-19 (2019)
(A) F. Acts RRC-06, Revision ST61 only
Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement (RRC-06-Rev.ST61) (2006)
HF Broadcasting System Design Handbook
HF Broadcasting System Design (1999)
Manuel sur la conception des systemes
Conception des systèmes de radiodiffusion en ondes décamétriques (1999)
Sup.1 Handb. on Deploy. IMT-2000, 2011
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 (Revision 1) of the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (2011)
(S) Hnbk compt-Aided Tech Spect Man 2015
Manual de técnicas informatizadas para la gestión del espectro (CAT) (2015)
(F) Global Trends Mobile Telecom. - 2015
Handbook on Global Trends in International Mobile Telecommunications (2015)
(R) Sup.1 Handb. on Deploy. IMT-2000
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 to the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (Supplement 1, Edition of 2005)
Manual diseno sistemas de radiodifusion
Diseño de sistemas de radiodifusión en ondas decamétricas (1999)
(S) Handbook Space Research Comm. - 2013
Comunicaciones para la investigación espacial (2014)
Sup 1,2,3 et 4 au SMS, 2006
Suppléments Nº 1, 2, 3 et 4 du Manuel sur le Service mobile par satellite (SMS) (2006)
(E) Hnbk compt-Aided Tech Spect Man 2015
Computer-aided Techniques for Spectrum Management (CAT) (2015)