Sup.1 Handb. on Deployment. IMT-2000
Migración a los sistemas IMT-2000 - Suplemento 1: Manual - Implantación de los sistemas IMT-2000 (Suplemento 1, Edición de 2005)
Manuel sur la spécification technique des systèmes de télétexte de l'UIT-R (1999)
(R) Handbook on Radio Astronomy - 2013
Radio Astronomy (2013)
The Earth Exploration-Satellite Sce 2011
Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (2011)
BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2011 DVD
BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection (2011)
(F) Final Acts - WRC-15, Geneva, 2015
Actes Finals CMR-15, Conférence Mondiale des Radiocommunications (2015)
BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2005 DVD
BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection (Edition of 2005)
(C) Final Acts - WRC-19, 2019
Final Acts WRC-19 (2019)
(R) F. Acts RRC-06, Revision ST61 only
Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement (RRC-06-Rev.ST61) (2006)
Manual sobre la especificación técnica de los sistemas de teletexto del UIT-R (1999)
Sup.1 Handb. on Deployment. IMT-2000 CD
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 to the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (Supplement 1, Edition of 2005)
Earth Exploration-Satellite Sce 2011 -CD
Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (2011)