Applied filter:
ArabicThe role of spectrum monitoring in suppo
The role of spectrum monitoring in support of inspections
Mathematical gain models of large-apertu
Mathematical gain models of large-aperture space research service earth station antennas for compatibility analysis involving a large number of distributed interference sources
(A) Propagation Prediction Methods 2012
ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies (2012)
Man-made noise measurements in the HF ra
Man-made noise measurements in the HF range
Design techniques applicable to broadban
Design techniques applicable to broadband fixed wireless access systems conveying Internet protocol packets or asynchronous transfer mode cells
Factors that mitigate interference from
Factors that mitigate interference from radiolocation and Earth exploration-satellite service/space research service (active) radars to maritime and aeronautical radionavigation radars in the 9.0-9.2 and 9.3-9.5 GHz bands and between Earth exploration-satellite service/ space research service (active) radars and radiolocation radars in the 9.3-9.5 and 9.8-10.0 GHz bands
Technical and operational information fo
Technical and operational information for identifying Spectrum for the terrestrial component of future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced
Sharing of the 10.6-10.68 GHz band by th
Sharing of the 10.6-10.68 GHz band by the fixed and mobile services and the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)
Traffic forecasts and estimated spectrum
Traffic forecasts and estimated spectrum requirements for the satellite component of IMT 2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 for the period 2010 to 2020
(A) Radio Regulations 2024- A5 format
Radio Regulations (2024)
(A) Manual Maritime Mobile ed 2024
Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services (2024)