Applied filter:
Hard Copy(S) Propagation Prediction Methods 2012
ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies (2012)
Mathematical gain models of large-apertu
Mathematical gain models of large-aperture space research service earth station antennas for compatibility analysis involving a large number of distributed interference sources
(E) Handbook on Radiometeorology 2013
Radiometeorology (2013)
Report of the CPM to WRC-12, (2011)
Informe de la RPC a la CMR-12 (2011)
Telecommunication characteristics and re
Telecommunication characteristics and requirements for space VLBI systems
(A) Propagation Prediction Methods 2012
ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies (2012)
Short-term loudness metering
Short-term loudness metering
Sharing studies between IMT Advanced sys
Sharing studies between IMT Advanced systems and geostationary satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service in the 3 400-4 200 and 4 500-4 800 MHz frequency bands
(F) Report of the CPM to WRC-15, (2015)
Rapport de la RPC à la CMR-15 (2015)
(F) Handbook on Radiometeorology 2013
Radiométéorologie (2013)
(C) Propagation Prediction Methods 2012
ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies (2012)
Initial estimate of new aviation AM(R)S
Initial estimate of new aviation AM(R)S spectrum requirements