Applied filter:
Arabic(A) Global Trends Mobile Telecom. - 2015
Handbook on Global Trends in International Mobile Telecommunications (2015)
Studies related to the impact of active
Studies related to the impact of active space services allocated in adjacent or nearby bands on radio astronomy service
(A)Use of Radio Spectrum (Meteo) ed 2008
Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction (2008)
Studies related to the impact of active
Studies related to the impact of active services allocated in adjacent or nearby bands on Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)
(A) Hdbk National Spectr Management 2015
National Spectrum Management (2015)
(A) Handbook Land Mobile - Vol III /2005
Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 3: Dispatch and Advanced Messaging Systems (2005)
(A) Actes finals - CMR-07, Genève, 2007
Final Acts - WRC-07, Geneva (2007)
Rules of Procedure (2021)
(A) Handbook Land Mobile - Vol IV/2006
Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 4: Intelligent Transport Systems (2006)
(A) Report of the CPM to WRC-19, (2019)
Report of the CPM to the WRC-19 (2019)
(A) Amateur & Amateur-sat. Services 2014
Amateur and amateur-satellite services (2014)
(A) Spectrum Monitoring Handbook 2011
Spectrum Monitoring (2011)