Applied filter:
Hard CopySharing studies between radiocommunicati
Sharing studies between radiocommunication services and IMT systems operating in the 450-470 MHz band
BR RECOMS ON DVD 2016 Edition 2
ITU-R Recommendations and Reports -DVD-ROM (2016)
BR WIC/IFIC Space Coll 2017 DVD
BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection (2017)
Assessment of potential interference bet
Assessment of potential interference between FM broadcasting stations operating in the band around 87-108 MHz and aeronautical VDL Mode 4 systems in the band 112-117.975 MHz operating in the AM(R)S
Compatibility/sharing of airport surveil
Compatibility/sharing of airport surveillance radars and meteorological radar with IMT systems within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band
Sharing between aeronautical mobile tele
Sharing between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems for flight testing and other systems operating in the 4 400-4 940 and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands
Design techniques applicable to broadban
Design techniques applicable to broadband fixed wireless access systems conveying Internet protocol packets or asynchronous transfer mode cells
BR RECOMS ON USB KEY 2021 Edition 2
ITU-R Recommendations, Reports and selected Handbooks (2021) Available October 2021
Technical and operational information fo
Technical and operational information for identifying Spectrum for the terrestrial component of future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced
Planning parameters and coverage for Dig
Planning parameters and coverage for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz
Multiple-feed BSS receiving antennas
Multiple-feed BSS receiving antennas
Traffic forecasts and estimated spectrum
Traffic forecasts and estimated spectrum requirements for the satellite component of IMT 2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 for the period 2010 to 2020