Applied filter:
Print(R) Report of the CPM to WRC-19, (2019)
Report of the CPM to the WRC-19 (2019)
(R) Amateur & Amateur-sat. Services 2014
Amateur and amateur-satellite services (2014)
(E) Land Mobile - Vol 4 - 2021
Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 4: Intelligent Transport Systems (2021)
(S) Report of the CPM to WRC-19, (2019)
Informe de la RPC a la CMR-19 (2019)
(C) Spectrum Monitoring Handbook 2011
Spectrum Monitoring (2011)
(A) Report of the CPM to WRC-12, (2011)
Report of the CPM to WRC-12 (2011)
BR RECOMS ON USB KEY 2021 Edition 2
ITU-R Recommendations, Reports and selected Handbooks (2021) Available October 2021
(E)Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 2021
Handbook on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting networks and systems implementation (2021)
Actes finals CRR, Genève 2006
Actes finals de la Conférence régionale des radiocommunications chargée de planifier le service de radiodiffusion numérique de Terre dans certaines parties des Régions 1 et 3, dans les bandes de fréquences 174-230 MHz et 470-862 MHz (CRR-06) (2006)
Handbook on Space Research Communication
Space Research Communications (Edition of 2002)
Manuel d'application des techniques informatiques à la gestion du spectre radioélectrique (Edition de 1999)
Manual Radiodifusion sonora digital
Manual DSB - Radiodifusión sonora digital terrenal y por satélite destinada a receptores de vehículo, portátiles y fijos en las bandas de ondas métricas/decimétricas (2002)