Applied filter:
PdfReport of the CPM to WRC-15 (2015)
Report of the CPM to WRC-15 (2015)
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Suppleme
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 to the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (Supplement 1, Edition of 2005)
Studies related to the compatibility bet
Studies related to the compatibility between Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and the radiodetermination service in the 9 300-9 500 MHz and 9 800-10 000 MHz bands and between Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and the fixed service in the 9 800-10 000 MHz band
Transionospheric radio propagation – The
Transionospheric radio propagation – The Global Ionospheric Scintillation Model (GISM)
Comunicaciones para la investigación esp
Comunicaciones para la investigación espacial (Edición de 2002)
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Suppleme
Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 to the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems (Supplement 1, Edition of 2005)
Satellite detection of automatic identif
Satellite detection of automatic identification system messages
Rapport de la RPC à la CMR-15 (2015)
Rapport de la RPC à la CMR-15 (2015)
Astronomical use of frequency band 50-35
Astronomical use of frequency band 50-350 THz and coexistence with other applications
Informe de la RPC a la CMR-15 (2015)
Informe de la RPC a la CMR-15 (2015)
Report of the CPM to WRC-15 (2015)
Report of the CPM to WRC-15 (2015)
Sharing of the 36-37 GHz band by the fix
Sharing of the 36-37 GHz band by the fixed and mobile services and the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)