Applied filter:
EnglishAnnexes to Volume VIII: XVIIth Plenary A
Annexes to Volume VIII: XVIIth Plenary Assembly of the CCIR (Düsseldorf, 1990)
Sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz b
Sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band between IMT-2000 and fixed broadband wireless access systems including nomadic applications in the same geographical area
Inspection of radio stations
Inspection of radio stations
Theoretical analysis and testing results
Theoretical analysis and testing results pertaining to the determination of relevant interference protection criteria of ground-based meteorological radars
Testing procedures for implementation of
Testing procedures for implementation of dynamic frequency selection
Identification of degradation due to int
Identification of degradation due to interference and characterization of possible interference mitigation techniques for passive sensors operating in the Earth exploration satellite service (passive)
Analogue television systems currently in
Analogue television systems currently in use throughout the world
Definitions of Software Defined Radio (S
Definitions of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio System (CRS)
(E)Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 2021
Handbook on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting networks and systems implementation (2021)
Hdbk Digital Television Signals 2010 C
Digital Television Signals: Coding and Interfacing within Studios (2010)
Handbook on Space Research Communication
Space Research Communications (Edition of 2002)
Adaptability of real zero single sideban
Adaptability of real zero single sideband technology to HF data communications