Preservation wooden poles 2009
Preservation of Wooden Poles Carrying Overhead Telecommunication Lines (2009)
Optical Transport Networks TDM, 2010
Optical Transport Networks from TDM to Packet (2010)
Preservation wooden poles 2009
Protection des poteaux en bois des lignes aériennes de télécommunications (2009)
Handbook telephonometry-Adjonction Sec.3
Addition to Section 3 of the Handbook on Telephonometry (Amendment 3)
S ITU-T REC T 801 ISO 08/02
Tecnología de la información – Sistema de codificación de imágenes JPEG 2000: Extensiones
E UIT-T REC T 801 Amd.2 ISO 05/05
Extended capabilities marker segment
The Protection of Telecommunication Line
The Protection of Telecommunication Lines and Equipment Against Lightning Discharges - Chapters 6, 7 and 8 (1978)
Mitigation Measures for Telecom. Inst.
Medidas de mitigación en las instalaciones de telecomunicaciones (2008)
Operational Bulletin No. 692 (15.V.1999)
Operational Bulletin No. 692 (15.V.1999) and Annexed List: List of Telegram Destination Indicators (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation F.32) (Position on 15 May 1999) (15.05.1999)
(A) WTSA - DUBAI 2012
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Proceedings (Dubai, 2012)
Deployment of packet-based networks 2009
Deployment of packet-based networks (2009)
Operational Bulletin No. 671 (1.VII.1998
Operational Bulletin No. 671 (1.VII.1998) (01.07.1998)